


pepper jack mozzarella & parmesan cheese sauce. ive never made it before and i was bored and lazy and got taught how to make my VERY OWN CHEEEEEEEEEESE SAUCE


1MONTH today!

My momma will be here in Doha.

I think that today I decided (if everything works out) we are going to go to Sri Lanka.

I need me some GREEN.

We will ride Elephants go through the Jungle and stay on a Tea plantation... OMG.

Who the HELL are you gonna VOTE for??

If you are feeling like a normal ignorant AMERICAN then check this site... We all have these days...
ignorant |ˈignərənt|
lacking knowledge, information, or awareness about something in particular


I am no better than anyone I just say lets make a CHANGE and use all the resources that we have to the best of our ability and stop letting the media Pollute of BRAINS... IT is a CHoice....



i want these.

Too Hot...

Post dem sexy pics... All over this thang... You look smokin!



look what i see in the window. chelsey come home?!

how i miss thee

so today is my first photoshoot and im super nervous. people approach me all the time to take pictures of me but im always way to chicken shit. so i said fuck it and did it. the theme is the use of color to express emotion. the color im doing is RED. ha. love it. anyways i would do anything for you to be here chelsey. i went into rop and had amanda pants do my hair and make up, i look pretty fly. lets hope this ham can pull off some perrty pictures. xoxo for life

Turkish coffee...

"Coffee should be as black as hell, as strong as death, and as sweet as love" (refers to turkish coffee...)

Learning how to make it..



the dog whisperer


james and jocelyn franco.

can I put voldka in a smoothie

"great fruity smoothie with just enough vodka to make you smile. tastes great."

6 fluid ounces vodka
18 fluid ounces orange juice
1 cup frozen strawberries
4 scoops orange sherbet
1 cup crushed ice

in a blender, mix the vodka, orange juice, strawberries, orange sherbet, and ice. blend until smooth.


this is the first tattoo i have ever done. and i must say i am proud... look at how bad ass that drunk smiley face is... EFF YES I AM AWESOME!

Quote IT...

Growth means Change and Change involves Risk, stepping from the Know to UNKNOWN.
-Author Unknown

"Authority... is merely the excuse the strong use to make others conform to what they want."

"Humans have a great capacity for declaring something good or evil, without truly knowing."

"Our earth is like a child who has grown up without parents, having no one to guide and direct her... And they give little thought for their own children who will inherit their lack of love. So they use her and abuse her with little consideration and then when she shudders or blows her breath, they are offended and throw their fist at God."
-William P. Young, The Shack

Even should we find another Eden, we would not be fit to enjoy it perfectly nor stay in it forever.
-Henry Van Dyke

Falsehood has an infinity of combinations, but truth has only one mode being.
-Jean Jacques Rousseau




WHERE you @ GURL??? I miss you to death and need your silly ass to come out to da Middle East... I am waiting patiently for you!!


NorthWEst...WasHington... NOt George...

Uhh I WISH I was there to be apart of this HISTorY.... I Love the NW... Till I Die!!


If you can make it, raise your arm, hand or lighter for me!!!

AQUA summer.....

I thought of you when I heard this

I love you



i worked the mtv booth at portlands action sports tour... i weaseled my way to VIP front row at the gym class heroes concert that night... here is a lil something something up close and personal. its called being one inch away from travis mccoy. haha take a look at my boyfriend... cause he's the only one i got.



so i customized my own radio show. pretty cool. i hope one day i can become an awesome dj too. dj saucebox

meow and grr.
xoxo- me



Check out this friendly blogger, gotta read up on the culture...




SO I found a video of this dude that I snuggled with... Hhahaha... Never thought I would see him again... Well not true, thought maybe when I went to Italy....


CHROMEO at berbati's

this picture is for you flick... i wish you and i were together again. i miss my dancin' fool!

last picture on my camera

so chelsey and i both now are cameraless. mine got stepped on and now i really am depressed... she had a good run though... my cam cam went through a bunch


We work REAL hard for the $... And for WHAT???

Work WOrk WORK.... We work hard for the money... But what is the point if you have no time to enjoy spending the money... Working day in and day out, hour after hour just for the money to sit in the bank account and a crew a very small amount of interest... In the states they can't give you interest now, there is no interest in the people or in their futures. All the social security has been sucked dry for our generations. Who is teaching our generation how to prepare for retirement? At the rate that our generation is going we are going to have to work till we shrivel up or fall over dead on the job...

Ok so I am ranting and raving about this

I just cant seem to understand why we let this rule our lives, make our decisions and run the world...


The last 3 months Lossssst....

SO while in Dubai, having the most amazing time in Arabia, A gypsy stole my camera right out from under my nose... I seem to have a problem with Tent Shisha Joints... It is like they suck all electronics out of me... No really though... I had photos of riding a camel, parties and people... I am SAD... Thats ok though... I have the memories stored in a special place, my heart!!! XOXOXO
I miss you MY BOO BOOOOOOO!!!

~A KISS for you~


my day today for chelsey...

oh hey best friend in the WORLD. miss you. what a day to remind me of you and the man upstairs...


this is why boys are lame sometimes

Boys are cheats and liars,
They’re such a big disgrace,
They will tell you anything
To get to second base-
-ball, baseball,
He thinks he's gonna score,
If you let him go all the way
Then you are a whore-
-ticulturists study flowers,
Geologists study rocks,
The only thing a guy wants from you
Is a place to put his cock-
-roaches, beetles,
Butterflies, and bugs,
Nothing makes him happier
Than a giant pair of jug-
-lers and acrobats
And dancing bears named chuck,
All boys want to do is...
Forget it no such luck.

What the Hell

Is wrong with Men???

Any answers??? Any hope???


who you gonna call

cant get enough of randomness in pdx...

if only my car looked like this. ha!


Celebrate with the WORLD.

Internationally Recognized Days
What are the Internationally Recognized Days

Internationally Recognized Days promote issues of international interest or concern. TakingITGlobal invites you to join millions of people worldwide in the observance of these days.

February 21 - International Mother Language Day
March 8 - International Women's Day
April 7 - World Health Day
April 22 - Earth Day
May 3 - World Press Freedom Day
May 10 - World Fair Trade Day
May 15 - International Day of Families
May 17 - World Information Society Day
May 21 - World Day of Cultural Diversity for Dialogue...
May 22 - International Day for Biological Diversity
May 31 - World No Tobacco Day
June 1 - International Children's Day
June 4 - International Day of Innocent Children Victims...
June 5 - World Environment Day
June 12 - World Day Against Child Labour
June 14 - World Blood Donor Day
June 17 - World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought
June 20 - World Refugee Day
June 21 - World Music Day
June 26 - International Day against Drug Abuse and...
June 26 - International Day in Support of Victims of Torture
July 11 - World Population Day
August 9 - International Day of the World’s Indigenous...
August 12 - International Youth Day
August 23 - International Day for the Remembrance of the...
September 8 - International Literacy Day
September 16 - International Day for the Preservation of the...
September 21 - International Day of Peace
September 22 - World Car Free Day
September 26 - European Day of Languages
September 27 - World Tourism Day
October 1 - World Vegetarian Day
October 1 - International Day of Older Persons
October 5 - World Teacher's Day
October 6 - World Habitat Day
October 10 - World Mental Health Day
October 16 - World Food Day
October 17 - International Day for the Eradication of Poverty
October 24 - United Nations Day
November 9 - World Inventor's Day
November 16 - International Day for Tolerance
November 17 - International Students' Day
November 20 - Universal Children's Day
November 25 - International Day for the Elimination of...
December 1 - World AIDS Day
December 2 - International Day for the Abolition of Slavery
December 3 - International Day of Disabled Persons
December 5 - International Volunteer Day for Economic and...
December 10 - Human Rights Day
December 18 - International Migrant's Day
International Day in Support of Victims of Torture

For the first time there is a special day to focus on helping torture victims and ending torture -- the United Nations International Day in Support of Victims of Torture -- to be observed every year on 26 June. Torture is one of the most profound human rights abuses, taking a terrible toll on... read more


just a few short years. what a difference!

THE BEGINNING...TO NOW... how time flys


SO this is What WE do...

When we are bored...

While surfing the net...

When talking on skype

While getting ready to go out...

Cuz we STRAIGHT up WANT to!